Behind the Baker

Why hello there, my name is Evin/Evie Edwards and here is a little about me! I have lived in Utah my entire life, which lots of people would think is boring, but I love it here and I really do not want to move. I moved to Park City when I was four and have lived here ever since.

I have four members in my family which include my mom, dad and little eight year old sister, Ruby. I could say that my family is completely normal, but that would a be a lie. My sister thinks that she is the queen of the house, but isn't that suppose to be me? My mom is so funny and nice and my dad complains a lot but I still love him!

I have played soccer for almost my whole life (since I was five) and I love it so much. I played on a recreational team for about four years and then I started club. I started out on Park City Soccer Club and last year made my way to Black Diamond Soccer Club and I just finished up the season for Park City High School Girls Soccer which was so fun and I can't wait until next year. I started to play club volleyball last year and I am currently playing for Elevate. I love both of my teams on and off the field, we are all like a giant family. How much better can it get?

As you can see by the title of my blog.... it is about food and crafts. Personally, I think that I am very artsy. Not particularly in an art class, but on my own. I love to cook, but not really hard food because it makes me frustrated. I got the idea to blog about crafts and food from Pinterest, which I am obsessed with. It gives such creative yet simple ideas for making things in the kitchen or just for fun. Hopefully I inspire some people out there to become a crafty cook!

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