Friday, January 24, 2014

Craft Crazy

As you all should know I am very addicted to Pinterest and one thing that I always make the most is mod podge letters and frames. I was at my grandmas house in Texas over winter break and I was on her i-Pad looking at crafts when I came across a design for a mod podge letter I have never seen before. I loved it and I just had to make it, the day after we got home we went to Michaels. The first one I made was for myself and it really didn't cross my mind to take pictures for my blog so...... I had to do another one and it was for my sister, Ruby, but I call her Ruby Boobie. HA. Anyways, this is my favorite craft to do when I am really bored at home and have nothing to do. I have probably about fifteen frames that are in different drawers in my room, not out all pretty with pictures in them. My mom recently threw all my craft supplies away, so sadly I had to spend my own money and buy new supplies + two craft boxes to keep all my stuff in. I have bought so many letters, so my friends should be expecting these for gifts;).

Now, I know what some people are thinking this looks really hard, but it is actually so easy and they are really good gifts or something just to put in your room! Below is how you make it.

What You'll Need:

- Wooden Letter (I got mine from Michaels)

- Small wooden letters

- patterned paper

- mod podge (I used glossed)

- paintbrush

What to do:

1) Gather everything you will need because the mod podge dries really really fast.

2) Trace your letter on your piece of paper and then cut it out as accurately as possible.

3) Paint the mod podge on the letter (do quite a lot) and place your paper on and smooth it out and get rid of bubbles with a credit card. (I used a fancy thing especially made for mod podge)

4) Let it dry for about ten minutes and then paint over the paper with mod podge (I suggest doing two layers to make it look better)

5) Get your hot glue gun ready and mini letters. Once the hot glue gun is hot enough glue your mini letters on any way you want!

6) Enjoy you fantastic, lovely and wonderful mod podge letter

If you want to learn how to make mod podge frames go to CLAIRE'S blog!
This was one of my older
ones I made. You can
really do anything with
these, be creative!

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