Sunday, March 30, 2014

Is This a Dream?

This week I was really proud of myself because I did my blog early, I don't mean writing it, I mean actually making it. Yay Evie! Anyways, I was looking through all my recipes on Pinterest, as usual, and I came across something that was really simple and it looked really yummy, it was sm'oreos. It's a mixture between s'mores and oreos, if that isn't already obvious. My mom got the stuff and they only took like five minutes to make and they were just absolutely delicious, it kind of seems like it wouldn't taste that good but trust me they do. As soon as the cream in the middle of the oreo looked like it wasn't all melty anymore I ate one, and another, and another. It pretty much ruined my dinner, oh well!

Well if you really want to make these yummy in my tummy sm'oreos below is how to make them!

What You'll Need:

- pack of Oreos (but don't use them all because that would be crazy)

- mini marshmallows

- Hershey bars

What to do:

Step one, take the cookies apart. Make sure to do it slowly and carefully or else they will break like mine did, it took me a while to finally get a good one. 

Step two, put the chocolate on top of the cream. 

Step three, put the marshmallows on top of the chocolate. I recommend adding two marshmallows because if you add more they will fall out.

Step four, put the sm'oreos in the microwave for about 20 seconds. I put in for another 15 seconds because the marshmallows hadn't finished melting yet but maybe it will be different for you.

Step five, put the other cookie on and let them sit for about 10 minutes and enjoy. They're just absolutely delicious!

Now you're done, yay! 

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